The 52-Day Cycles of a Yearly Spread

When you’re looking at the Grand Solar Spreads, you’ll see there’s the Pure Spread, the spread that represents the world without the conflict and chaos of external factors—utopia; the Life Spread, the spread that represents life’s inclusion of external factors, obstacles, lessons, and triumphs; and the yearly spreads which show the karma, energies, people, and events you’ll encounter each year you age.

You’re going to look at reading the yearly spreads in this post. Why the yearly? It’s faster to explain than the Life Spread, which I’ll get to at another time. First, identify your current age. Find your age on one of the 92 plates of the Grand Solar Spreads. It’s important to note that after Plate 89, Plate 0  then becomes Plate 90 and continues to Plate 80, which is then 179. Plate 0, then becomes Plate 180 and continues to Plate 89, which is then 269. So they repeat. Anywho, you’re well within range between ages 0 and 89, I’m sure. Let’s say, hypothetically, you’re 25 years old.

On the Plate 25, you’ll find your birth card. If you’re not familiar with finding your birth card, the easiest way to way to do so is to Google it. Or, if you’re like me and you like formulas, multiply your month by 2, subtract it from 55, then subtract your birthday number from the difference. For instance, if you’re born on July 18th, you’d subtract 14 (July doubled) from 55 to get 41 and subtract 18 (birthday number) from 41 to get 23. Since there are thirteen cards in every suit, the Ace represents one and the King is thirteen. The suits in cardology start with the hearts—the babies, clubs—the teenagers, diamonds—the adults, and spades—the seniors. The K♥ has a solar value of 13. The K♣ has a solar value of 26. The K♦ has a solar value of 39; and the K♠ has a solar value of 52. They run in multiples of thirteen. So, looking at the value of July 18th, 23 is greater than thirteen (K♥) and less than twenty-six (K♣) , so I know it’s a club. I can just subtract 13 from 23 and I’ll get 10—the 10♣. It’s that simple. Just remember the values of the Kings.

If you haven’t read my first cardology post, you should. It explains how to read the order of the cards from right to left. But considering that I may lose you with one click, I’ll repeat the order here again.

The first 52-day period for the 10♣, born on July 18th at 25 years of age, is Mercury. Mercury is the planet of communication. It’s how you think, learn, process, and communicate information. It rules the number five, so it’s a restless and quick-moving energy. It’s all about change and freedom. This is a cycle of being proactive and putting yourself out there to be seen, heard, promoted. So, this 10♣ should be mastering his/her writing abilities, publishing that book to get the recognition he/she deserves from July 18th through September 7th.

The second 52-day period is Venus. Venus is the planet of love—what you use to attract love, more specifically. It’s the planet of your personal values and possessions and how you attract money. It rules the number six. Six is indicative of responsibility, nurturing, the home, balance, love, and beauty. It’s the ruler of women. This period, from September 8th through October 29th, is one of stillness. This has a quiet, behind-the-scenes energy to it and is great for businesses of a transient nature: hotels, Air B&B’s, etc.. It’s a good time to move into a home or business that is already established and purchased—I.e., moving into your summer home. This is a good time to communicate a message that is geared toward women and their interests. Perhaps, the book 10♣ promoted during Mercury has a message that women all over want to hear; and as a result, there are many book readings and subsequent sales during Venus.

The third 52-day cycle is Mars. Mars is the planet of war, confrontation, passion, getting things done with assertive, physical energy and taking initiative. It’s rules men and governs the number nine. Nine is fire but it’s also selfless and giving. From October 30th through December 20th, this 10♣ should take action to ramp up his/her spiritual initiation or work as he/she will be in the performance spotlight. Mars in your work, so using this performance energy would garner a great deal of success and allow him/her to go viral and give back to those in need without overspending on frivolous things.

The fourth 52-day cycle is Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, good luck, higher learning, and philosophy. It governs the number three. It’s the planet of publishing and communication; and during this time, your mind is intellectually sharp. From December 21st through February 11th, this 10♣ should receive  a lot of success from his/her hard work. With the support of the ancestral and/or spiritual work done, eyes will be on his/her accomplishments and the receipt of worldwide recognition which leads to prosperity is highly possible.

The fifth 52-day cycle is Saturn. Saturn is the planet of hard lessons, discipline, structure, governance and law, karma, reaping the harvest for work done, and reaping what you’ve sown—good or bad. This cycle, as bad a rap as Saturn gets, is a good one. It governs the number eight and is the harvest season of money, money, money, money—MONEY! During this time, 10♣ may want to increase his/her studies in the metaphysics and spiritual knowledge. From February 12th through April 4th, this 10♣ has more work of a creative nature. He/she may be speaking, performing, managing multiple businesses, as the threes denote multiples—more than one. His/her creative work is highlighted as the moneymaker once it’s used to teach the masses in an uplifting, harmonious way and isn’t confrontational.

The sixth 52-day cycle is Uranus. Uranus is the planet of out-of-the-box thinking, inventiveness, breaking and rebuilding social norms, inspirational spurts, your social groups and organizations. It rules the number four, so anything odd and unusual is right up its alley. This period is, generally, a vacation period, but you don’t live in a world that allows you to vacation for 52 days. So, from April 5th through May 26th, this 10♣ should get his/her vacation in while managing his/her money. The income has been coming in successfully with this spread, but it’s time to invest in solid investments that build financial stability and home security. This is a great opportunity for 10♣ to become familiar with crypto, digital assets, digital real estate, gold, silver, and all ways to diversify a portfolio that don’t involve dinosaur methods or risky business partnerships.

The seventh, and last, 52-day cycle is Neptune. Neptune is the planet of murky waters bringing much fog and uncertainty. Things may not be what they appear to be in during this time. It’s the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. It’s the time of death and regeneration—symbolically speaking, hopefully. It rules the number seven—the number of spiritual truth or the quest for it, at least. From May 27th through July 17th, this 10♣ should do very little regarding work or starting new ventures. This is the critical cycle before one’s birthday and he/she may become depressed or sick, as the body tends to break down during this time. However, he/she will overcome all obstacles and push through with tenacity and determination. He/she may even travel, garnering more books sales.

So, grasshopper, this is an example of how you’d read the life spread for any given year. I didn’t go into the cards’ meanings, but I explained their energies in my breakdown of each period. You can learn more about your 52-day cycle and the cards’ meanings by pre-ordering my books, Numbers Decoded, Cards Unfolded and Numbers Spelt, Cards Dealt. If you’ve purchased my Grand Solar Spreads, you can continue to look at your yearly spread now.

In the next post, I’ll speak more about the semi-fixed cards. See you then.

Cheers 😉.

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