Numerology and Cardology Books


“This book is fire! It’s everything I need to learn numerology and cardology, made simple and live in color. Everyone should have this book in their collection.”

  • Insight-Numbers Decoded

    The Numerology & Cardology Bible

    This two-part guidebook builds upon beginning and intermediate concepts of numerology, in the first part, and cardology as it relates to the Grand Solar Spreads in the second part. It’ll take you through a step-by-step process with examples, exercises, and techniques to try. It also teaches you how to blend all the concepts together to create a complete and accurate analysis of any person’s life. It’s an interactive learning tool that provides a hands-on learning experience, illustrated with beautiful charts and images, making it a visual masterclass in a book.

    Numbers Decoded, Cards Unfolded is an essential must-have for anyone interested in personal development and self-discovery. It’s the mystic’s roadmap to applied numerology and cardology for everyday people.

    11″ X 8.5″, 222 Colored Pages

    Order Now for Mid April!

Purchase Jaz’s Grand Solar Spreads, featured in Numbers Decoded, Cards Unfolded as a separate PDF file in green or red.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better. Numbers Spelt, Cards Dealt takes it up to a whole new level. I LOVE this book. It’s a must-have in your collection along with the first one!

  • The Numerology & Cardology Master Key

    This two-part guidebook takes the first installment to the next level, building upon intermediate and advanced concepts of numerology in the first part and cardology breakdowns of the Grand Solar Spreads in the second part. You’ll embark on a step-by-step process with examples, exercises, and techniques to apply. It also teaches you how to blend all the concepts together to create an extensive analysis of any person’s life. It’s an interactive teaching tool that provides a hands-on learning experience—illustrated with beautiful charts and images—making it a visual masterclass in a book.

    Numbers Spelt, Cards Dealt is the mystic’s master key to unlocking the doors to numerology and cardology for everyday people.

    11″ X 8.5″, 214 Colored Pages

    Order Now for Mid April!

Purchase Jaz’s Grand Solar Spreads, featured in Numbers Spelt, Cards Dealt as a separate PDF file in green or red.