Knocking from the Inside


“I love this book. It’s light. It’s heavy. It’s deep. It’s funny. It’s mystery. It’s spiritual. It’s educational. It’s life!”

  • Insight-BookReview
    Five-Star Review From Reader’s Favorite

    Author Jacquii Leveine has crafted a fascinating true-life story that will be sure to resonate on different levels for all types of readers as they engage with it. One of the most impressive things in the creation of the work itself was the authenticity in the voice of the author, who paints some fantastic psychological portraits of the episodes of her own life, opening them up in living color and inviting us in. The work is raw and honest, but with undertones of such beautiful writing that it gives you hope to continue the journey and learn the lessons of the narrative alongside the author at different stages of her life. I would certainly recommend it for memoir fans who seek an intriguing, intelligent, and deep portrayal of real life and real emotion.

Wanna learn more about my motivation for writing my memoir, Knocking from the Inside, or more about my writing process?

Knocking From the Inside: A Memoir Veiled in Numbers is a complex work of non-fiction written in the memoir style by author Jacquii Leveine. Taking both the philosophical and psychological elements of life into deep consideration, this thoughtful memoir takes readers through an incredibly emotive nine-year struggle with the author after a very big decision shifts her life and she takes a long time to recover from it. The intriguing figure of Siete Jackson becomes a focal point for some very dangerous mind-games, and the author explains the trials and tribulations of her life from that point forward, and the important lessons which were learned because of it.

You can start reading the first chapter of Knocking from the Inside in this widget. The widget also let’s you purchase a copy from Amazon or Barnes & Noble in digital and paperback versions. If you want a signed paperback copy or a special-edition, textured hardcover, buy directly from Jaz.

Knocking from the Inside is page-turning greatness. I feel like I’ve been talking to you for the past three days.”