Cardology is Making a Cosmic Come Up!

I don’t know what’s in the spiritual air, but people are coming out of their shells, wanting to know more about cardology. If you don’t even know what it is, don’t be dismayed. You may know it as Destiny Cards.

Cardology is the study of numerology, astrology, and the fifty-two playing cards combined into one, succinct science. The same way you have a sun sign on your natal astrology chart, you have a birth card that corresponds to your birthdate. The cool thing is this: You don’t need to know your time of birth to study these planetary movements.

In my book, numerology will always reign supreme because it’s the root of all metaphysical sciences. Numbers rule the world—period. If you have a clear and thorough understanding of the numbers and what they mean from one through thirteen, you can pretty much decode the planets and the playing cards. If you’ve mastered the full numerical spectrum from one through seventy-eight, then you’re on your way to becoming a master, my dear. And yes, there are meanings for all seventy-eight numbers.

The playing cards have four suits: hearts—the babies, clubs—the teenagers, diamonds—the adults, and spades—the seniors. Within each suit, there are thirteen cards. Ace represents one, and the King represents thirteen. Astrology, within cardology, is merely the study of the planets.

But let’s not stray too far from what cardology is. Today is September 11th, and a quick Google search will yield a result that today’s birth card is the K♣; however, what does that mean, exactly? Kings are the masters, and in this case, since clubs rule the intellect, knowledge, and the conveyance of information, the K♣ is the master of intellectual and knowledge. Those born on this day, are the masters of communication. They’ve perfected the gift of gab and know, either, a little of everything or a lot of nothing. I’m just kidding. They’re generally well-versed in many different topics and authorities of most. This is generally where Destiny Cards stop. You have an overview of what the birth card represents, but you still may not know what the full K♣ energy comprises.

Enter in … drumroll, please … cardology! Cardology is the juxtaposition of playing cards and planets on the Grand Solar Spreads. The Grand Solar Spreads is a collection of ninety-two plates that position all fifty-two cards in a specific order using a quadrated method. The great thing about it is the plates are predetermined, predestined, and the energy is already written. Sound familiar? It is written, indeed.

To your left is a picture of the Life Spread within the Grand Solar Spreads. These are the positions we all play for the duration of our lives. Based on your birthdate, you may see that you have two different cards to the bottom right and left of your birth card. If so, these are your karma cards. The card in the bottom-right is your supporting karma card: This energy or person who has this card as his or her birth card is here to support you as part of a karmic duty or debt. It is owed to you. The card to the bottom-left of your birth card is your challenging karma card: This energy or a person with this birth card will test you, forcing you to grow and evolve. You owe it, him, her, or them some karmic favor. Ugh, the pronouns are upon us 😊.

If your two karma cards are two different cards, you change your position on the Grand Solar Spreads every year. This gives you the opportunity to walk in another person’s or energy’s shoes. You get to experience what it means to sit in its house; and it will be the supporting karma card.

If your two karma cards are different from your birth card but the same, you’re one of the semi-fixed cards: 9♥/7♦ and A♣/2♥. You have a twin energy with whom you swap positions every year—meaning you move between your house and your twin’s house every year. That’s the only two energies you get to experience firsthand. So, 9♥ fluctuates between wish-fulfillment or loss one year and abundance, money-making passions, and spiritual money from the 7♦ the next.

The A♣ has a thirst for new ideas and knowledge one year and becomes consumed with love partnerships the next with the 2♥. I use to view my semi-fixed people as having a tortured existence, only being able to move between two energies each year; but many have expressed having a yearly tunnel-visioned focus for what they wish to accomplish. I guess it depends on being tapped into the energy and knowing how to discern it.

Once you find your birth card on a yearly plate that corresponds to your age, you get twelve additional cards each year. The thirteen-card spread is read from right to left, so you start with your birth card, as the first card, and move to the left square, counting twelve squares. The positions are as follows: Sun/Birth card, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Reward/Result, Cosmic Lesson, Cosmic Moon, Transformation Card.

This is when knowing the planets’ attributes comes into play. Going back to our beloved, K♣, this card sits in the Uranus row and Uranus column. Uranus is the planet of out-of-the-box thinking. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. It wants to break from the norm and create something new—disrupting the status quo. It’s the planet of inventions, rules, humanitarianism, your social group, organizations, or spiritual tribe. It’s ingenuity, rebellion, and autonomy. Anything sudden, unexpected, and quirky is Uranian energy, as it governs the number four, which is also about attracting and gravitating toward the odd and unusual but highly intellectual and analytical. Knowing this gives you more context into the K♣ energy.

Uranus can often be violent. A dive into keywords for K♣ energy, sitting Uranus/Uranus, reveals the following: master teacher, mental downloads, father-figure, abusive, domestic violence, chef, mentor, recognition for knowledge, authoritarian or authority-figure. Here’s a visual example of the K♣ spread from the Birth card to Pluto. The Reward/Result card and so on are up on the first row, starting at the far right with the 10♣.

There’s a lot that goes into this, and I’ve only explained the very basics. I tell my students to focus on the energy of the card, which pertains to its keywords and not the people in their lives who possess this birth card. The card tells you which energies you have access to if you’re sitting in its house or have it for your 52-day cycle. Once you master the energy and understand how it feels, shows up in your life, and presents itself, you’ll have a better understanding of the people who possess it. For we’re all holographic representations of the spiritual energy we embody—nothing more, nothing less.

For now, purchase and download your copy of the Grand Solar Spreads from me, and get a free copy of the birthdates and keyword meanings for the fifty-two playing cards. Start by mapping out your thirteen-card spread to see where you sit and what energies you’ll come into for the year. Next time, I’ll break down the planets and your 52-day cycles; but for now, you have work to do, grasshopper: Hop to it.

Cheers 😉.